Kids and Toothbrush Care: Tips From the Smiley Tooth Team in Rockwall
Good teeth cleaning habits such as brushing and flossing can make a world of difference to your family’s dental health. However, a worn, dirty, or otherwise abused toothbrush can promote dental problems instead of preventing them. For this reason, you must instruct your kids about proper toothbrush care. Start with these tips from your trusted Smiley Tooth team in Rockwall.
Keep Toothbrushes Clean and Dry
After brushing, your kids need to rinse any remaining toothpaste and debris out of their toothbrushes. Show them how to run tap water over the toothbrush (or the detached head of an electric toothbrush), and how to store the toothbrush properly. A dedicated holder or other device that stores the toothbrush upright, in the open air, can prevent the brush from touching dirty surrounding surfaces. A storage method that allows the toothbrush to dry out completely also helps to prevent mold from developing on the bristles.
Replace Toothbrushes Regularly
Every time your children brush their teeth, their toothbrushes wear down just a little more. Teach them to watch out for signs of wear such as frayed, stiff, or bent bristles. If their teeth feel gritty or fuzzy instead of clean after brushing, the worn bristles may have stopped doing their job.
As a general rule, you should replace a toothbrush every three or four months even if it shows no obvious signs of wear or damage. Explain to your kids why a new toothbrush simply does a better job of cleaning than an old, worn-out one so they’ll continue to perform this periodic replacement in later life. Make sure they also know to replace a toothbrush immediately if they’ve dropped it on the floor or used it while sick.
Never Share Toothbrushes
Kids like to share all kinds of things, from toys to lunch items. As kind as these gestures may seem, however, they should never extend to the sharing of toothbrushes. Explain to your kids that a toothbrush can transfer germs or diseases from one person’s mouth to another. Don’t allow toothbrush sharing at home, even after thorough rinsing, and make sure your kids remember to bring their own toothbrushes to sleepovers.
Here at Smiley Tooth Pediatric Dental Specialists, we can help your kids understand and maintain proper dental hygiene practices, including toothbrush hygiene. Contact our Smiley Tooth Rockwall team today for an appointment.
Content found on this blog is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional judgement, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please speak with a professional if you have concerns about your oral health.